面试时间:2019面试职位:environmental campaigner分享时间:2019-11
- 面试经历:
- 每个职位人力都会专门出一套题来考察,题目通过后是群面,压力比较小,面试官和部门主管都非常优秀,在业内比较有名;公司内氛围也很好 外企化管理;最后一轮部门manager面试还是非常有技术难度的。压力也比较大
- 面试官提的问题:
- The set of questions below are supposed to test your potential as a Greenpeace campaigner, not your knowledge on specific issues.
2. You received an email from a journalist asking for comments about China’s recent Green GDP initiative (see email below). Please draft an email back to him with your comments as a Greenpeace campaigner. (The email should be written in Chinese in fewer than 500 characters and sent back to HR recruiter’s email address together with the rest of the homework.)
有用(0) 面试感觉:一般 面试难度:困难 应聘途径:网上申请