senior researcher专题汇总

senior researcher 面试经验,共1

gfk - senior researcher

面试时间:2015面试职位:senior researcher分享时间:2016-09

was introduced to the departmental leader through a friend, and got hooked up with the leader Wechat. we basically talked about when i had time for an interview. When i got there, they gave me a test on logic and math all written in english. After i finished it, the leader came out and we had a chat which lasted for around an hour.
1.self introduction;
2.projects i've been involved;
3.projects they are doing;
After all these, i was told that i was welcomed; should i be interested in the field they are dedicated to, give the leader a buzz and everything will be taken care of.
self introduction;
what projects have i participated in;
what all i've been through;
talk about being professional;

有用(0) 面试感觉:很好 面试难度:很简单 应聘途径:熟人/朋友/介绍

1   共 1 页

senior researcher  热门职位面试经验

